“Refugees are welcome” say religious leaders of Cardiff at an Interfaith talk last evening

With refugee camps being demolished in other countries, religious leaders encourage people across all faiths to extend their support towards the homeless refugees in Cardiff.

“Do onto others what you would want others to do to you,” says a Jewish priest at an Interfaith talk in a mosque last evening.
Stanley Soffa, a representative of the local Jewish community explains how treating ‘the stranger’ with respect and honor is an instruction in Judaism, at ‘Refugees in Religion’ talk held last evening at Dar-Ul-Isra mosque, Cardiff.

“The migration of people around the world today has never been seen before in human history. The stranger command is more urgent and more certain,” says Stanley Soffa. “Don’t step into their shoes but go underneath their skin and understand what it feels like to be a stranger before you decide your attitude towards them.”
Ated Edwards, a Christian and Sheikh Ali Hammuda, a Muslim were the other two speakers to join Stanley, who spoke on the refugee crisis through their religious perspectives too.

From Left: Stanley Soffa, Ated Edwards and Sheikh Ali Hammuda

“We have many asylum seekers and refugees today especially from Syria and France. It is a good opportunity to talk about it,” says Ated Edwards, CEO of Cylun and Chairman of Wales Immigration Partnership. “It is interesting to see how three theology experts get together at one platform to discuss such an issue in great deal. All we want is for people to know that we are with them, to serve them and the community whichever way we can.”
Abdullah Ali, Volunteer at Dar-Ul-isra

With the demolishing of the Calais camps and subsequent migration of refugees in nearby countries, refugee shelter and fostering has become a huge concern for governments today. They require support of the public to accommodate the needy into their homes, neighborhood and living.
Abdullah Ali, a volunteer at the event says: “It is a good step because in the end we are human beings. Calamities and catastrophes are a reality for us. They (refugees) are not coming here out of choice but because they are running around to find a safe place to live. They need us.”