Public attitudes towards chemistry
Despite the Royal Society of Chemistry finding that 25% of people had negative attitudes towards chemistry as a result of school, their overall report found Chemistry is seen in a good light:
- 72% of people surveyed agreed that chemistry research and developments make a direct contribution to economic growth in the UK
- 55% of the public believe it is important to know about chemistry in their daily life
- 84% agreed that chemists make a valuable contribution to society
- 62% that jobs in chemistry are interesting
Other science-related events coming up in Cardiff
If this has gotten you in the mood for more science-related events, there are plenty more coming up around Cardiff:
15th November-10th February 2019: Time Peak’s Space Craft comes to Cardiff
This winter, the spacecraft that brought British astronaut Tim Peake back to Earth from the International Space Station will be landing in the National Cardiff Museum. The display will be equipped with VR technologies to help immerse you in the adventure.
15th November: ‘More smoke and noise: getting started in amateur rocketry’
Ever wanted to build your own rocket? Well find out how at University of South Wales’ event this Thursday to find out more.
Techniquest is the UK’s longest-running science centre, and run science-related events all year round.
The National Museum is holding a day of chemistry events to help encourage a greater enjoyment of science

The National Cardiff Museum where the event is being held
The National Museum Cardiff is hosting a chemistry themed event alongside the Royal Society of Chemistry and Cardiff University on Saturday 24th November in celebration of National Chemistry Week.
The event, entitled “Hands on Chemistry”, will include an array of interactive workshops and activities. Visitors will be able to watch chemistry come to life in 3D videos, get hands-on with colourful chromatography, and use their smartphones as part of scientific experiments.
There will also be a pedal-bike visitors can ride on, which will split water into hydrogen fuel.
“These events are important to help generate public interest in science, and to demonstrate how important it is in everyday life,” said Dr Emma Richards, who has helped organise the event.
She continued to say, “Breaking down these barriers is an important step to increase understanding of the impact that high-level research can have in developing new technologies across the full range of chemical sciences including medicinal and biological, industrial catalysis, and materials science.”
The “Hands on Chemistry” event will be a welcome addition to the museum, who already have a large natural sciences section, including this whale skeleton
National Chemistry Week runs every year, and is aimed at changing public perceptions of chemistry after the Royal Society of Chemistry published a report in 2015 which found 25% of adults have a negative view of Chemistry as a result of school.
As part of National Chemistry Week, The School of Chemistry at Cardiff University is also delivering a series of curriculum enhancing activities in secondary schools across Wales, encouraging teenagers to consider the career options available to them through studying chemistry.
“Hands on Chemistry” is aimed at people of all ages to encourage a greater enjoyment of Chemistry in a fun and relaxed environment.
There will also be mineral display and a dark room tent to display how minerals appear different colours in different lights.
Experiment with something new, test your skills and get involved with this unique science-based event for all the family.
Public attitudes towards chemistry
Despite the Royal Society of Chemistry finding that 25% of people had negative attitudes towards chemistry as a result of school, their overall report found Chemistry is seen in a good light:
- 72% of people surveyed agreed that chemistry research and developments make a direct contribution to economic growth in the UK
- 55% of the public believe it is important to know about chemistry in their daily life
- 84% agreed that chemists make a valuable contribution to society
- 62% that jobs in chemistry are interesting
Other science-related events coming up in Cardiff
If this has gotten you in the mood for more science-related events, there are plenty more coming up around Cardiff:
15th November-10th February 2019: Time Peak’s Space Craft comes to Cardiff
This winter, the spacecraft that brought British astronaut Tim Peake back to Earth from the International Space Station will be landing in the National Cardiff Museum. The display will be equipped with VR technologies to help immerse you in the adventure.
15th November: ‘More smoke and noise: getting started in amateur rocketry’
Ever wanted to build your own rocket? Well find out how at University of South Wales’ event this Thursday to find out more.
Techniquest is the UK’s longest-running science centre, and run science-related events all year round.