England and Wales: the worst offenders!
Welsh businesses can rest a bit easier, the English North takes all three podium spots.
🥇 Cleveland, North Yorkshire – 1,948 business crimes for every 100,000 people
🥈 Humberside – 1,567 for every 100,000 people
🥉 Northumbria – 1,532 for every 100,000 people
Cyber Crime
📱 The modern digital age brings many good things. You can get a Mcdonalds delivered to your sofa and your whole life can be organised via a glass screen in your pocket.
😟 Unfortunately, it means that cyber crime is now more threatening than ever, so here’s how businesses can protect themselves.
An industry body announces that two fifths of small businesses in Wales were victims of crime since 2017

A new report by the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB), has highlighted that two fifths of small businesses in Wales have been subjected to business crime between 2017 and 2019.
Almost a third of those companies affected experienced traditional crime, with the highest reported criminal activities being robbery/burglary, theft and criminal damage.
Between them, these types of offences made up 83% of all commercial related crimes, according to the report.
Of those businesses that experience crime, 13% said they had been the victims of business related cyber activity.
The average cost of crime to an affected enterprise was £3000 per year, which could be a make or break sum to a local shop or a recently started-up venture, for instance.
“It is not a nice figure to lose. If you’re a little business that is a significant amount of money,” said Ian Davis, owner of independent Cardiff gaming shop, Rules Apply.

The FSB report seems to suggest that the UK government is responsible for making changes that will result in a meaningful reduction of commercial crime.
“Business crime is a serious concern for our members,” said Ben Francis, FSB Wales policy chair, “As such, it is imperative that the UK Government take any action that they can to support SMEs and prevent crime from occurring.
“It is important to recognise the impact that business crime has on businesses, individuals and our economy,” he continued, “and to work together so that we can reduce the negative effects of business crime on our communities as a whole.”
If only our FSB was more like their Russian namesake, perhaps we’d have no problem.
But in the meantime, there are ways that businesses can try to secure themselves against malicious activities, either on of offline.
England and Wales: the worst offenders!
Welsh businesses can rest a bit easier, the English North takes all three podium spots.
🥇 Cleveland, North Yorkshire – 1,948 business crimes for every 100,000 people
🥈 Humberside – 1,567 for every 100,000 people
🥉 Northumbria – 1,532 for every 100,000 people
Cyber Crime
📱 The modern digital age brings many good things. You can get a Mcdonalds delivered to your sofa and your whole life can be organised via a glass screen in your pocket.
😟 Unfortunately, it means that cyber crime is now more threatening than ever, so here’s how businesses can protect themselves.