Get involved
The Welsh Government enshrined The Housing (Wales) Act 2014 in law in Wales on 17 September 2014 and was introduced on 27 April 2015. The act delegated greater responsibilities to local authorities to prevent homelessness, but more needs to be done.
You can help Huggard by:
- Donating online
- Becoming an Angel for a Day
- Choosing Huggard as a corporate partner
- Buying items from the ebay store
- Volunteering your time at the kitchen, Café ‘H’ or as a coach
Huggard also provide additional facilities for the homeless:
More young homeless people in Cardiff are relying on charities for food, according to local shelter Huggard.
Lee O’Shea, a day centre support worker explains that many young adults are becoming homeless due to widespread heroin abuse.
The shelter provides free soup and bread, and a “hearty” meal for £1.50.
Despite efforts by the Welsh Government, more donations are needed due to increased demand and a £150,000 budget cut.
Religious groups provide different dishes for the needy all-year-round.
The public also become more generous during the festive season.
O’Shea stresses: “We need volunteers every day, not just on Christmas Day.”

Volunteers and homeless people at Huggard tend to the allotment where vegetables are grown to be used for cooking soup
Huggard has also invested in an allotment. Vegetables are grown to be used for soup and to teach the homeless life skills such as cooking.
Get involved
The Welsh Government enshrined The Housing (Wales) Act 2014 in law in Wales on 17 September 2014 and was introduced on 27 April 2015. The act delegated greater responsibilities to local authorities to prevent homelessness, but more needs to be done.
You can help Huggard by:
- Donating online
- Becoming an Angel for a Day
- Choosing Huggard as a corporate partner
- Buying items from the ebay store
- Volunteering your time at the kitchen, Café ‘H’ or as a coach
Huggard also provide additional facilities for the homeless: