The Rucksack Project
The Rucksack project was started by Bristol resident Matthew White. The campaign started in Bristol but has since become a global movement, with volunteers in each city starting their own localised campaigns.
Four simple steps could make all the difference to hundreds of homeless people this Christmas:
Get a rucksack
Fill it with stuff
Drop it at The Wallich Centre
They will deliver it
What to put in your rucksack
Sleeping bag
Hat and gloves
Hand warmer
Water bottle
Bin liners
Extra food
Torch & batteries
Small Christmas present
Vist for more information about The Rucksack Project and find TRP: Cardiff on facebook to attend the event and get more information.
The Rucksack Project is looking for further support to bring some light back into the lives of Cardiff’s homeless community.

The Wallich Centre on Cathedral Road will be accepting rucksacks until 6 December before distribution [photo credit: Sophie Jones]
The Facebook-driven campaign, which already has over 270 attendees, involves volunteers donating a rucksack full of items – from necessities like food and clothes, to little luxuries – to help the homeless through the winter months.
Caitlin Cockcroft, 23, is heading the campaign in Cardiff, in association with The Wallich Centre. When the Save the Children employee saw the project on Facebook, she recalls, “I was so excited. It was the first time in ages I had seen something I really felt was worthwhile – something that would really make a difference.”
You can drop off your rucksack until Friday 6 December, between 9-5pm at The Wallich Centre on Cathedral Road.
Check out Caitlin’s campaign video and get involved by sharing the event:
The Rucksack Project
The Rucksack project was started by Bristol resident Matthew White. The campaign started in Bristol but has since become a global movement, with volunteers in each city starting their own localised campaigns.
Four simple steps could make all the difference to hundreds of homeless people this Christmas:
Get a rucksack
Fill it with stuff
Drop it at The Wallich Centre
They will deliver it
What to put in your rucksack
Sleeping bag
Hat and gloves
Hand warmer
Water bottle
Bin liners
Extra food
Torch & batteries
Small Christmas present
Vist for more information about The Rucksack Project and find TRP: Cardiff on facebook to attend the event and get more information.