Ask a monk and focus on your soul

Get acquainted with slaughter free dairies and ask a monk about anything you are confusing in ATMA café.

The ATMA cafe on Queen Street

People gathered in ATMA café and waited for asking the monk about their lives at around three o’clock on Wednesday afternoon, the 8th of November.
The Bhakti monk came and sat in front of the visitors when the event began. He was very patient and kind to answer all kinds of questions that people asked. The soul and life was the main thing he talked about.
People were talking with the monk relaxed.

“We are mainly focus on people. To give people a higher spiritual going in life and encourage people a bit more confidence is what we do.” says Sam, one of the Bhakti monks in ATMA.
The Bhakti monks work in ATMA café are quite different from your established views. They are more like people’s friends and teachers. If you are confusing of your life or just want to chat with somebody, they will be willing to talk to you.
Kim was clearing up the freezer.

However, ask the monk is not the only thing you can do in the café, you can also try some vegetarian food and drinks which aims is to educate and campaign for slaughter free milk and care of cows.
“We established a foundation named Ahimsa Dairy which focus on promote slaughter free dairies across Britain, also we want to explore innovative ways of working with bulls.” Says Kim, one of the staff in ATMA.
The ATMA café is not only a café, but more like a place for you to relax yourself and reduce your press. They also have some Yoga lessons on Thursday evening that try to connect your body with mind.
Denise was recording some important things .

Everybody could join the event and enjoy the food in ATMA café.
“We are more like a family and it seems that we don’t actually have a boss. We enjoy talking with people who comes here and spread our aims and thoughts.” Says Denise, one of the staff in ATMA café.
A customer was buying his dinner.

Every staff works in ATMA cafe can go to the street and chat with people, you may meet them one day on street.