Cardiff cocktail bar wins major award

An award winning Cardiff cocktail bar shares the secrets of its success.

The winning list of “Bar team of the year” in 2018 and Lab 22 is the only bar awarded in Cardiff.

A Cardiff cocktail bar has been nominated by Imbibe UK for ‘Bar team of the year’ in 2018.

Lab 22, the cocktail bar located in Cardiff city center, has a load of honour in this bar market shrinkage, whose menu has won the “themed list of the year” in 2018, and which is highly commended the “bar of the year” by the Regional Awards in Cardiff 2018.

“Whilst it’s often important to note what colleagues in the industry might be doing, as soon as you attempt to copy them, you’ve already lost the battle. Take inspiration from those around you, but execute things in your own way, find your own style,” said Elliott Skehel, the manager of the Lab 22.

Elliott Skehel, the manager of the Lab 22, is making drinks for his guests. (copyright: Elliott Skehel)

The statistics from the World Health Organisation show that Europe takes up 13.7% of the world’s population, but they are in charge of over a fifth of global alcohol consumption (21.2%), especially in the UK, the average adult drinks around 13 litres of pure alcohol per year.

This drinking culture and habit, it seems, there are a certain amount of business opportunities, makes many young people dream of becoming a bartender, which can combine their interests and career together.

Drinks from Lab 22, are always served to customers in a fun and innovative way. (copyright: Lab 22)

“This place is amazing. We did a cocktail taster course which was great value for money. Would definitely recommend everyone visit at least once in their life,” said Lindsay, the regular client of Lab 22.

Lab 22, knows how the effects of hydrocolloids will manipulate the functional properties of food stuff, using that to make something fun, innovative and what’s more, delicious is what they believe their guests is looking for.

Lab 22 uses the chemical equipments to make cocktails in order to provide fresh and new experience for their customers. (copyright: Lab 22)

More importantly, all the staffs in Lab 22 should be the first to experience what is exciting and new, which is not only to ensure the tasty for guests is accessible, but to give staffs in Lab 22 a pleasant working environment.

“In my tenure here we’ve had minimal staff move on or leave. Essentially what I’m saying is for any company, let alone one working in hospitality our staff turnover is incredibly low,” explained Elliott.

Working as a team is a huge contributing factor towards the success of any business and Lab 22 is no different. Having a group that can be relied upon as individuals releases pressure off one another and keeps everyone stress free and motivated.

Lab 22 posted Online photos to catch guests’ attention to tempt a visit. (copyright: Lab 22)

Additionally, Lab22, is intensely aware of that eye catching online photos can be enough to tempt a visit, thereby striving to provide liquid innovation on social media, such as Instagram, and online marketing, which are great tools for modern cocktail bars.

“Each bar is different, so there will be different ways for you to gain success and notoriety. My biggest tip however would be to look after people and know what they want,” said Elliott.