Sleeping rough in Cardiff

What can you do to help?

Especially if you are new to the city, it may be shocking to see so many people sleeping on the streets in Cardiff.
copyright George Hodan Creative Commons license
With this winter set to be one of the coldest in recent years it is more important than ever to ensure these people are not forgotten.
The Wallich is a charity based in Wales that “works tirelessly to get people off the streets, keep people off the streets and create opportunities for people.”
There has been a 64% increase in the number of people sleeping rough in Cardiff over the last two years according to The Wallich. The charity helps over 5,000 people a year in Wales and not only provides emergency accommodation to those most in need but also has a comprehensive strategy for reducing homelessness in Wales.
With over 60 projects across 19 local authorities The Wallich has a holistic approach to tackling homelessness. The charity supports a diverse range of projects, from preventing people becoming homeless and providing emergency accommodation, to helping vulnerable people develop the skills they need to get back on their feet.
There are many ways that you can support local charities such as The Wallich in their effort to tackle homelessness in Wales.

  1. Donate to The Wallich: 92p out of every £1 goes directly to funding services for homeless people.
  2. Fundraise: Sign up as a fundraiser in one of the challenge events and run, slide, dive or ride to raise money for those in need.
  3. Volunteer: Work directly with homeless or vulnerably-housed clients, develop new skills and meet a diverse range of people.
  4. Winter donations: Warm clothing, non-perishable food and toiletries can make all the difference when you are sleeping rough. Contact your nearest project or check The Wallich’s website to find out what items are needed the most.