You can register to take part on the 360 Swansea website to take part in the event and help raise money towards 360’s Name a Puppy fundraiser.
Name a Puppy fundraisers are very popular, according to Deborah. For £5,000 they can choose the name, receive regular updates on the puppy and even have a visit from the puppy when he or she is old enough.
The cost of each guide dog from birth to retirement is £50,000. Guide Dogs Cymru currently have around 250 working guide dog partnerships in Wales and a further 39 people on the waiting list.
Next year, Guide Dogs Cymru expect to train and qualify a further 37 partnerships.
What’s more refreshing than a dip in the sea on New Year’s Day?
Perhaps not the most obvious way to spend the day – and not just because of the cold – but any brave people who brave a dip in the sea 1 January will be helping raise money for a guide dog puppy.
360 Swansea will play host to the dip, with prizes for fancy dress, live music, a barbecue and even a free hot drink for anyone who braves the water.
“The guide dog service receives no government funding,” says Deborah Rees of Guide Dogs Cymru. “We are wholly reliant on the generosity of the public.”
All money raised will go towards paying for a guide dog puppy. Who’s brave enough to take the plunge?

Name a Puppy fundraisers are popular amongst business, like this one done by a Marks and Spencer. Photo courtesy of Guide Dogs Cymru.
You can register to take part on the 360 Swansea website to take part in the event and help raise money towards 360’s Name a Puppy fundraiser.
Name a Puppy fundraisers are very popular, according to Deborah. For £5,000 they can choose the name, receive regular updates on the puppy and even have a visit from the puppy when he or she is old enough.
The cost of each guide dog from birth to retirement is £50,000. Guide Dogs Cymru currently have around 250 working guide dog partnerships in Wales and a further 39 people on the waiting list.
Next year, Guide Dogs Cymru expect to train and qualify a further 37 partnerships.