Upcoming Cardiff sciSCREEN Events
Silent Running
Tuesday November 1
We Need to Talk About Kevin
Thursday November 3
Adults 6.60 (£6 in advance)
Concessions £4.80 (£4.50 in advance)
Booking: 029 2030 4400
What is Cardiff sciSCREEN?
“Cardiff sciSCREEN is a cross-disciplinary programme that promotes the engagement of publics with science and the academy. Using special showings of new release films, sciSCREEN uses local academic expertise to discuss contemporary developments in science in an understandable and entertaining way, facilitating debate on the wider social and cultural implications of these advances. These discussions draw on a range of disciplinary perspectives and the broad repertoire of themes found within contemporary cinema.”
Jamie Lewis
sciSCREEN is a unique approach to science through films

sciSCREEN promotes science through the medium of film. Photograph: Jamie Lewis from Cardiff sciSCREEN
A new series of sciSCREEN events are starting next week in Canton.
Science-themed film club sciSCREEN is organising two events at Chapter in the first week of November. Several speakers will discuss the scientific issues raised in 70s sci-fi classic Silent Running and new release We Need to Talk About Kevin at free wine receptions after screenings of the films.
University researcher and co-organiser Jamie Lewis says, “We take an almost French definition of science. We’ve had people from the humanities and social sciences speak, it’s not just hard science.”
Jamie has recently tried to incorporate classic, foreign and indie films and invite speakers with experiential knowledge. For example, a naval officer was invited to speak at The Hurt Locker event.
Upcoming Cardiff sciSCREEN Events
Silent Running
Tuesday November 1
We Need to Talk About Kevin
Thursday November 3
Adults 6.60 (£6 in advance)
Concessions £4.80 (£4.50 in advance)
Booking: 029 2030 4400
What is Cardiff sciSCREEN?
“Cardiff sciSCREEN is a cross-disciplinary programme that promotes the engagement of publics with science and the academy. Using special showings of new release films, sciSCREEN uses local academic expertise to discuss contemporary developments in science in an understandable and entertaining way, facilitating debate on the wider social and cultural implications of these advances. These discussions draw on a range of disciplinary perspectives and the broad repertoire of themes found within contemporary cinema.”
Jamie Lewis