22 October 2016
Standard Ticket: £10
Group Ticket: (Max 6. Pers) £72
Final 5 Group Tickets (Max 6. Pers) £85
Each session runs from 2pm to 11pm
Last entry 7pm
Tickets non-refundable
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DEPOT’s Website

A stein at Oktoberfest
This month DEPOT’s traditional German festival Oktoberfest returns and as the only Oktoberfest being held in Cardiff throughout October, DEPOT are keen to include as much authenticity as possible.
Since its launch, the German themed festival has been a popular attraction, often selling out before the first of the four nights of celebration has even started. Although held in Cardiff, 865.5 miles away from Munich, DEPOT are adamant they ensure the event is as authentic as the original.
Organizers DEPOT say they want to bring the real Oktoberfest atmosphere straight from Munich. A spokesperson for the organisation said “we aim to get our audience munching like they’re in Munich. All traders have specially selected their menus to celebrate Oktoberfest in all its glory. It’s not just about the steins but about the street snacks too!” This includes food from places such as WhiteHeat, The Bearded Taco and Hogwurst as well as many more.
Throughout the day festival-goers are provided with “authentic Oktoberfest beer”, such as, Augustiner, Hacker Pschorr and Hofbräu.
In addition to the traditional menus, employees at Oktoberfest wear traditional German dress and are accompanied by live entertainment from Bavarian Oompah bands.
However DEPOT have introduced an element of their own into the traditional proceedings, their “original Bavarian Bingo” which, when someone wins, is celebrated by a dance on the benches.
One festival-goer described Cardiff Oktoberfest as “having a great atmosphere, they have really captured the vibe of Munich, especially with everyone dressed up”.
A spokesperson for DEPOT said that “We aim to make the DEPOT Oktoberfest experience one to remember”. The next Oktoberfest event is 22 October 2016 and is full of traditional German Überraschungen (German surprises).
22 October 2016
Standard Ticket: £10
Group Ticket: (Max 6. Pers) £72
Final 5 Group Tickets (Max 6. Pers) £85
Each session runs from 2pm to 11pm
Last entry 7pm
Tickets non-refundable
Cardiff Oktoberfest Facebook
DEPOT’s Facebook
DEPOT’s Twitter
DEPOT’s Website