Interview: Phil and Mikey
How did the Songs and Stories events come about?
Mikey: “I met Phil at a monthly storytelling event at Milgi’s Yurt. He told a good story and I got talking to him. I was the guest musician. I thought it would be nice to share a mini-concert with him and he agreed to do it. Then I came across The SHO Gallery and owner, Emily, was keen.”
What are the songs about and what instruments do you use?
Mikey: “My songs are very simple, usually accompanied by a small guitar-type instrument with four strings called a cuatro. They are sometimes a bit reminiscent of old American folk forms but presented in quite a British, personal way. The content is just everyday life. Songs come into existence when they are ready, perhaps 2 or 3 a year.”
Phil, how did you get into storytelling and what sort of stories do you tell?
Phil: “I’ve been telling for 15 months. I’m a teacher and got into it via training at school. The stories are traditional folktales, think the Grimms and you won’t go far wrong, although I’ve still to actually tell one of theirs. The stories come from anywhere. Having visited Nigeria, I tell several West African stories but I also tell a Scottish story involving a fisherman, that in my telling takes places in Tenby and parts of the Carmarthen bay that I’ve fished in myself.”
Listen to some of Mikey’s original songs here.

Mikey also holds an acoustic club on the first Tuesday of each month at South Riverside Community Centre
The SHO Gallery is teaming up with a local storytelling and singing duo for a cosy evening of traditional stories followed by acoustic folk song performances.
Mikey Price and Phil Okwedy will present Songs and Stories Part 2 on 15 December at 7:30pm.
The event is a follow up from Songs and Stories Part 1 that took place at the gallery last August.
One of The SHO’s founders, Emily Michael, said, “It’s a pretty intimate event held in the upper gallery. The set is split into two parts: storytelling by Phil, a short tea break, cake and mulled wine, and then songs by Mikey.”
The gallery shop will also be open during the event selling handmade jewellery and original art and design pieces.
Interview: Phil and Mikey
How did the Songs and Stories events come about?
Mikey: “I met Phil at a monthly storytelling event at Milgi’s Yurt. He told a good story and I got talking to him. I was the guest musician. I thought it would be nice to share a mini-concert with him and he agreed to do it. Then I came across The SHO Gallery and owner, Emily, was keen.”
What are the songs about and what instruments do you use?
Mikey: “My songs are very simple, usually accompanied by a small guitar-type instrument with four strings called a cuatro. They are sometimes a bit reminiscent of old American folk forms but presented in quite a British, personal way. The content is just everyday life. Songs come into existence when they are ready, perhaps 2 or 3 a year.”
Phil, how did you get into storytelling and what sort of stories do you tell?
Phil: “I’ve been telling for 15 months. I’m a teacher and got into it via training at school. The stories are traditional folktales, think the Grimms and you won’t go far wrong, although I’ve still to actually tell one of theirs. The stories come from anywhere. Having visited Nigeria, I tell several West African stories but I also tell a Scottish story involving a fisherman, that in my telling takes places in Tenby and parts of the Carmarthen bay that I’ve fished in myself.”
Listen to some of Mikey’s original songs here.